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What is an Editorial Portrait & Why You Need One.

The Problem That Needs To Be Solved

I believe that the Lord created the Earth in 6 days and gave us the 7th day to rest. "Okay, great - what does that have to do with anything?"

Well - I feel like we live in a culture now that is all about work, work, work, work, work. Even on our days off we're thinking about the endless To-Do List that we have to accomplish. This can often-times lead to a society riddled with stress & anxiety. Because we think we always have to be DOING something important.

Pile that on top of mindless scrolling on social media (which I know none of us ever. do). This can lead us to be self-conscious, or feel like we're not doing that great in life, or feeling less of ourselves because we are constantly comparing ourselves to other's highlight reel. We've all been there on Instagram at 2am - hating, like "ugh, she's not even that cute. Why are they together? They know they can't afford that house!"

So we're stressed & anxious, with barely any time to ourselves. And the time we do get is sometimes riddled with comparison & feeling inadequate.

Yeah forget all that!

It's time to kill the comparison & start falling in love with our own lives, and owning who we are!


So I created Editorial Portraits, it's just a time to take the day off & feel incredible about ourselves! We come together and we create gorgeous, fashion-inspired, magazine-style portraits of you & the ones you love.

So What Do We Do?

1) The Design! (We design a perfect session FOR you. )

By creating a mood/vision board we find out: How you dream of being photographed. And we start dreaming up a vision of that! From what you'd love to wear, to makeup & hair styling. To location. To whom you'd love to do this with.

2) Hair & Makeup Styling (We help you feel like a celebrity!)

Each shoot includes a complimentary makeover (Oh yeah, we're taking it Vogue here) so you look & feel your best!

3) The Photoshoot! (We have all the fun!)

Afterwards we meet on-location for your photo shoot! This is where I walk you through posing, where to put your hands, how to stand. But mostly just having a lot of fun & laughing and pretending like we're on America's Next Top Model!

*Pro Tip* Relllaxxx! Don't take yourself too seriously! This is about having fun and celebrating you! This is not an actual audition lol.

(Straight out of camera vs. After Editing)

4) Magazine-style Editing (We turn your images into artwork)

Afterwards I go home and spend 354980234 hours editing your images to perfection! So a lot of Photoshop & other programs you've probably never heard of (because no one likes zits). Here, I turn your final images into works of art!

5) Your Reveal! (Just like on America's Next Top Model)

My favorite part! This is where we get together & you see your images for the first time! Most people gasp, some people tear up, most people smile and say: "Oh my that me?!" And then you select your favorite images & products (most people want them all!)

(Photos by Artsy Couture & Amanda Holloway & Tricia Toker)

6) Delivery!

Then I go home and create your beautiful products with Top Photographic Labs around the country. And hand-deliver them to you as soon as they're ready! Rinse and repeat.

I keep it simple & fun. The only thing you have to do is: show up & be open! And let your imagination & heart run wild.

And I take care of all the heavy-lifting : )

Why Do This?

Because doing this will change the way you see yourself.

  • If you're a mom who barely spends time to herself, you will realize the power of self-love. And the power of feeling beautiful & confident again.

  • If you're a high school senior, this can be your first time of making your statement! Stand up & say Hey World! This is who I am! I love this, this and I am gorgeous and this is me, world. I know you made fun of me in high school, but I realize I am now AWESOME! Despite what you think.

  • Or maybe you're just a happily married woman who'd love to start off with epic,beautiful portraits of you & then have your hubby meet up with us, jaw-dropped as he sees you. "Oh my gosh, honey! You look amazing!" Then you guys take some epic portraits together & galavant off for a romantic evening.

  • Or my favorite, maybe you're just an incredible woman from 8-80 years old, who just wants to celebrate herself! Feel beautiful. Own your path. Try something new. Or rediscover your beauty. (These are perfect shoots for your birthday!)

So, how do you dream of being photographed?

I want to take the best photograph you've ever seen of yourself, and I want you to feel absolutely beautiful. So dare to dream!

Me personally, I love the city look! So my shoot would be downtown. With gold balloons, and a chic white dress & pretty pink, white & blush roses.

And have my hubby & baby girl join in at the end - so we can get some beautiful family portraits.

Your Turn: ANSWER BELOW - How do you dream of being photographed?


  • ​I love this! I would love to do this now.

Click this link to fill out my contact form & I'll shoot you over more info!

  • ​I love this! I would love to do this - later.

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