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I Hated Myself In This Photo...And In This One Too

Do you remember a time where you actually liked your body? For some of us - hating on our body is a constant thing. The comparison. Thinking you're not good enough. Wishing you were thinner - annnd that brings me to today.

The Day After Thanksgiving

So a few years ago I went through this total body transformation. I lost about 30+ lbs, and it made a huge difference in how I looked.

But, I remember growing up, and never liking my body. "Fat" was half of my name - so I was made fun of a lot. And constantly thought I was fat, and that was bad and ugly. I loved Lookbook (which is like an old-school Instagram) & I wanted so badly to look like those skinny, pretty girls with their cool outfits.

So above was my attempt, and I was so sad because I hated every photo I took.


Now fast forward to when I lost all my weight. Everyone thought I was "healthy", and was so impressed. And I looked so nice. So..."pretty" they would say.

But little did they know that every time I ate something....especially a lot - I would have this compulsion to go to the gym and "work it off".

Sometimes I would go 2 times a day....because I hated feeling fat on my body. And I hated that I let myself binge. And I just wanted to feel pretty again.

So I would drink a little too much, or eat something heavy and instantly want to work out - to get it off.

And I now know that...that isn't healthy for your mind. And it is not self or body-love. It is hate. It is punishment. So although there were distinct differences in both photos - my mindset remained the same: being fat is bad. i have to be skinny. skinny=good. skinny=pretty. skinny=liked.


So what to do instead?

Happy Day After Thanksgiving! Realize that you do not have to punish your body today for things you did yesterday.

Move forward in love. Drink plenty of water, and talk to yourself & your body - like it is the most beautiful, capable, wonderful thing on this planet.. And feed it with love!

We are not our accomplishments, and we are not our mistakes....we just are...people. #beyourself #fallinlove with you #enjoyyourjourney #stopthecomparsion

May your Post-Thanksgiving workout be filled with love, happiness & joy : )

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